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Article Roman Britain - what we really knowIn addition there were Colonia, Roman Colonies places for the planned settlement of retired veteran soldiers who became citizens of Rome upon discharge, with all the privileges and social freedom of Roman citizenship. Four Roman Coloniae were established in Britain by imperial decree;
In popular legend, we have ideas of the Romans coming and fighting major battles, enforcing Rome's rule by force, however in practice it was far easier, in that many tribes welcomed them, it represented peace, security and prosperity, and the growth or expansion took place over a very long time. There major invasion in 42AD was to help an exiled tribal leader, therefore it can be assumed that his supporters were aiding the Romans. Rome and other countries had been aware of the British Isles for many centuries and trading had been going on for a long time. Their first arrival was in 55BC, this was brought about by the desire to stop the support being given to those they were fighting at the time in Gaul. They did not stay long. There were planned invasions for 34, 27 and 25 BC but conditions were never favourable, in 34 and 25 BC there were other demands elsewhere that took away the available forces and in 27BC they appear to have come to an agreement. A combination of trade and diplomacy seemed to smooth things for some time. In 39 or 40AD a conquest was launched but fell apart before it crossed the channel. Claudius successfully invaded in 43, going to the aid of the British ruler Verica of the Atrebates tribe who had been exiled by actions by another tribe. The records on who he had with him is unclear but its assumed from later units mentioned that he had 4 legions of about 20,000 men plus around the same number of auxiliaries. The legions were Legio II Augusta, Legio IX Hispana, Legio XIV Gemina, Legio XX Valeria Victrix. Exactly where they landed is uncertain, and some accounts have a series of battles. But it could not have been too great a challenge for by 47 AD they were already in Wales. The legions went in a variety of directions, had there been any serious resistance, they would have stayed together. Boudica was flogged and her daughters raped, and Roman financiers called in their loans. In AD 60 or 61, while the Roman governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, was leading a campaign on the island of Anglesey in North Wales, Boudica led the Iceni, along with the Trinovantes and others, in revolt. They destroyed Camulodunum (Colchester), formerly the capital of the Trinovantes, but now a colonia (a settlement for discharged Roman soldiers) and the site of a temple to the former emperor Claudius, built and maintained at local expense, and they destroyed a Roman legion, the IX Hispana, sent to relieve the settlement. On hearing the news of the revolt, Suetonius hurried to Londinium (London), the twenty-year-old commercial settlement which was the rebels' next target, but concluding he did not have the numbers to defend it, evacuated and abandoned it. It was burnt to the ground, as was Verulamium (St Albans). An estimated 70,000-80,000 people were killed in the three cities. Suetonius, meanwhile, regrouped his forces in the West Midlands, and despite being heavily outnumbered, defeated Boudica in the Battle of Watling Street. The crisis had led the emperor Nero to consider withdrawing all Roman forces from the island, but Suetonius's eventual victory over Boudica secured Roman control of the province. The first capital of Roman Britain was Camulodunum (Colchester) but after 23 years this was relocated to a more convenient port and Londinium (London) came into being. Much later, around 293, some accounts say 296, Britain was split into two regions with two capitals The southern region, Britannia Superior, still had Londinium as its capital, but the northern part Britannia Inferior had as its capital Eburacum (York). The inferior title was just indicating it was further from Rome. Around a hundred years later, these two were again sub divided to form 4 regions each with their own capitals. Britannia Superior was split into Maxima Caesariensis with its capital of Londinium, and Britannia Prima with its capital as Corinium (Cirencester), while Britannia Inferior, was split into Britannia Secunda, with its capital as Eburacum (York) and Flavia Caesariensis with its capital as Lindum Colonia (Lincoln.) In part these changes came about as a means of splitting up the administrative and military rule, so as to make it more difficult for those plotting in any way.
We can assume that many of the military posted to Britain come to enjoy their stay here, as when they reached retirement they chose to stay and take land here, they also had the option of a large sum and to return to their original place. Officially only officers could marry, but the general practice was for many to have unofficial wives and families that formed towns next to forts. From Rome's perspective this was an ideal arrangement as there were no descendents, dependents or pensions to be concerned about. This same model was chosen by the Roman church which even today do not allow its clergy to marry.