Red Legged Partridge
Latin Name: Alectoris Rufa
It is part of the Pheasant family of birds. It is
larger than the other common partridge seen in the UK - the Grey Partridge. It
was introduced into the UK in the 1600's by King Charles II as a game bird
species from Europe where is is largely found in France and Spain. They are now
resident in the UK and out number our native Grey Partridge.
A rotund a bird with a
brown back, grey breast and buff belly with large streaked flank stripes. Its
short tail has chestnut sides. It has a large white/cream chin and throat patch
with a black border, pink legs, and a red bill and eye ring. Males and Females
are a like. Juveniles are similar to a young Grey Partridge. The male bird as a
loud rhythmic chuffing call.
In Britain: All Year
Life Span: Unknown
Statistics: Length 32-35cm, Wing Span 45-50cm, Weight 55-550g
Habitat: Farmland and open stony areas.
Food: Seeds of grasses, cereals and weeds,
leaves and roots, but young will take insects as an essential protein.
Breeding: Around 170,000 breeding pairs in
UK. Breeding starts late April a clutch of 10-16 eggs, incubation is 23-25 days,
they are led away from the next within days and the brood stay together until
the next breeding season.
