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Identification They are small and elegant. They have a white buff rump patch, with short 'tush' in females. Black nose and moustache with a white chin. Their coat varies from a sandy to reddish brown in the summer and in winter they can be grey, pale brown or occasionally black. They moult in spring. Their antlers, which grow in winter, have no more than 3 points (tines) on each and are short less than 30cm in length. Antlers are shed in the autumn. Bounding gait when alarmed. Fawns are born in Spring and is brown in colour with rows of white spots on its back and flanks.
Distribution: Common and widespread. UK Distribution. Throughout Scotland and England except parts of Kent and the Midlands. Invading Wales from England. They are not found in Ireland in the wild. Behaviour: Both males and females are solitary individuals and very territorial having clearly defined boundaries. They scent mark. They have a very good sense of smell and hearing, when alarmed they will bark. They are active throughout the whole 24-hour day but make more use of open spaces during the hours of darkness. Peak times of activity are at dawn and dusk. Long periods are spent "lying up", which is where they lie down to ruminate between feeding bouts. The rut, or breeding season, occurs between mid-July to mid-August. Bucks become aggressive and maintain exclusive territories around one or more does just before this period. Fights between bucks can result in serious injury or death, the winner taking over the losers territory or attendant doe. Males usually mate with several females and females mating with several males has also been observed. Courtship involves chasing between the buck and doe for some time until the doe is ready to mate. During the rut the Doe makes a high-pitched piping call to attract a buck who makes a rasping noise as he courts the doe. Conservation Status: They are not endanger, despite the fact that up to 90 per cent die during their first year due to predation on fawns by foxes. Starvation and respiratory infections also take their toll.
See Also
Where to Photograph Deer
in the UK