Here is a list of places where photographers can photograph Autumn Colours in Northern Ireland. This is the start of a list that we hope will both grow over time and hopefully we will be able to add more columns or information. Because many of our woodlands are looked after by large organisations, who like to update their websites a lot, we have used the website column in this case to determine which woodland is looked after by which organisation. The two main organisations for Northern Ireland are the Woodlands Trust and the National Trust. If there is a link in this column, that goes to a website specifically for that woodland, so you can go direct. Otherwise visit the website link, provided below, of the organisation and then in their search put the name of the place you are interested in to find out more about that woodland. Where the names in the first column is hyperlinked this links to one of our Location pages, with more information on and over time more of these will be added, we will be delighted if some of you would like to also produce location pages. Codes in the Website Column: WT =
Woodland Trust,
Woodlands Trust
NT = National Trust
This list will continue to grow as we come across new places. REMEMBER if know of somewhere that you feel is a good place please let us know.