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Many towns and some cities around Britain have a marketplace or broader street that at one time was used for both street markets and for the trading of animals. Hereford used Broad Street at one time to hold cattle sales, the old photograph below shows one of these. I don't know the date of this photograph but I suspect it's soon after 1900.
The later photograph below was taken by me around 12 years ago as a part of a 'then and now' commission for a magazine. Taken with film, the prints have been scanned. It is a section of a photo taken from a little too far back, which brings the background too close compared to the original. Today I could and will at some point get a more comparative photo with a wider angle lens, this will both put the church back and the current street will appear wider as in the older image. Google Streetview link to the same view today:- http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Broad+Street,+Hereford&sll=52.048202,-2.721096&sspn=0.011679,0.032938&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Broad+St,+Hereford,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.05479,-2.717282&spn=0,0.004117&z=19&layer=c&cbll=52.054896,-2.717307&panoid=BWdRugeknKhY_5-jj7o7vg&cbp=12,347.56,,0,-5.26
This Google provided link is too large to put in a hyperlink within our editor. Hereford cattle are a specific breed, and it may be that these are the Hereford cattle of the time as they look very similar to Hereford cattle today.
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