The Money Tree wouldn't we all
just love one of these, especially as the manufacturers of equipment seem to
think that money does grow on trees.
We were originally commissioned to put this image together for an
advertising campaign for The Money Tree Project and here we are going to
explain how we created this image for our client.
It involved a number of stages including:
- Take Original RAW Image with Nikon D2x
- Make modifications using Capture NX to
produce TIFF
- Put TIFF into Photoshop to make further
modifications, additions and output.
Since creation it has appeared in many
different forms:
- As an A4 advertisement in a Glossy Art
Magazine, (more text added of course)
- Cover Page of an A4 presenter
- Posters
- Shop Window Cards
- Laminated Display material for an
- and more
This is the original image,
taken on a cold, very frosty but sunny March morning, this coming week two
years ago. The grey sky is natural it was the mist of the very frosty
morning. The ground under foot was crisp and crunchy and made a noise as you
walked on it and the white of the tree and foliage in the background was the
frosty covering. Being March the crops in the field were just starting to
come through and gave this green carpet with sections baring the brown
undersoil. It was taken with a Nikon
D2x and Nikon 24-85mm lens at 40mm ISO 640 1/200th f22. Returning to the
office for some editing with Capture NX to enhance the image and resized to
the required dimensions before making a TIFF file to further manipulate, add
to and output with Photoshop. |
In Photoshop as a separate
exercise we created some special £5 notes to use as the ground cover below
the tree. You will notice that we have dropped in the picture of the tree
into our £5 note which is marked as The Money Tree Bank. Photoshop
incidentally thought we done such a good job it popped up a message saying
we shouldn't print bank notes! |
This single £5 was then used
to create a pile of three notes which would be used to make the ground cover
by placing them at different angles and perspectives within the ground area
of the final image. There were several different arrangements of notes so as
to get a more random appearance. |
This was the next stage, using
the various layers of £5 notes we created different strips of different
perspectives, sizes and layered them towards the front of the image. Those
layers at the back being darkened to give a shadowing effect, whilst leaving
those closest to the front brighter and larger. This is shown with only four
of the layers in place. |
The final stages to create the
main central photograph was to put some larger £5 images at the very front
of the picture and clone out the electric cable that was in the background
across the image. |
A border was installed around
the image to give an art picture effect. |
Then finally the image was
made to exact size by adding extra black background and for the effect of
Money falling out of the image a couple of batches of £5 notes were added
into the foreground of the picture hanging over the border. The text was
then added and this image created as a JPG for you to see here. |