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Article Wildlife Photography in FebruaryWe are not out of winter yet, just one more month to go. During this month we can still get harsh frosts, freezing winds and maybe some snow. But on the wildlife and nature front, things are starting to come to life and some colour starting to enter our visual senses again. The end of January and throughout this
month sees the small but perfectly formed snowdrop make its way through the
soil in our woodlands, roadsides and in some gardens. They are among the
first plants to flower in the new year, their little white heads can be seen
bobbing just above the surface gently moving in the winter breeze. Take a
look at
where to see and photograph snowdrops,
In the countryside in the fields there is little yet growing, however you may see flocks or finches, crows and pigeons searching for food. Badgers are active throughout the winter, however when it is very cold or wet they are sensible and will stay underground. During February they will appear from their setts earlier in the day than in summer, say around 7-8pm, so although cold it may be a good time to go badger watching. February is their mating season so there will be a lot of territorial activity including bickering, growling etc and underground females will be giving birth. If you're not lucky enough to see one, then to find an active sett look out for signs of Badger movement by finding their old bedding outside the sett as they carry out some general housekeeping in preparation for the arrival of this years newborns. During February amongst our hedgerows the Hazel tree produces flowers, known as Hazel Catkins. The male flowers are in the form of Catkins, which are pale yellow and grow up to 5cm long. They are also known as 'lamb's tails'. The female flowers appear on the same branches as catkins, but they have tiny red tufts growing out of what looks like swollen buds, they are ready to release their pollen in the wind ready to take advantage of spreading new life further away from themselves. Very little else is moving in the hedgerows. Our road verges though are starting to return to colour from the muddy brown winter foliage with the emergence of green nettles, clumps of cow parsley and goose grass starting to show through.
In woodlands, gardens and public parks you may already be seeing the first signs of snowdrops, crocuses and other bulb plants coming through the surface and for those living further south Daffodils may also be on their way through. Other flowers you may see include wood anemone and primroses. The Primrose is a fairly common wildflower and its yellow flower adds a bit of colour. The arrival of the primrose will also bring with it, at the end of the month, the arrival of the Brimstone Butterfly, as it awakes from hibernation on warmer days. These large, long-lived yellow butterflies favour yellow flowers in the spring, whilst being attracted to purple or mauve plants later in the warmer months. Other butterflies that also start to make an appearance, if they have managed to survive winter hibernation include: the Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White, Large White and the Red Admiral. Some species of Bumblebee will also start to emerge this month and as the spring flowers start to emerge they will be seen in gardens, parks, orchards and meadows. In gardens, at our feeders, the smaller garden birds will start to grow in numbers as their natural sources of food are still in short supply and gets trapped under the frost, and if you can feed them, do so as they need the extra pounds to help them get through the colder nights, and to build up ready for this years breeding season. You may be lucky enough to get a Siskin visit. Blue Tits are already out looking for new nesting sites. The males of these smaller birds will also be more vocal as they start to mark out their territories ready for the mating and nesting season. The estuaries are now full of waders
feeding on worms and other titbits in the mud, but also ducks, geese and
Perhaps our most elegant bird, the
Grey Heron,
More Information
See also the
Nature and Wildlife Calendar - February
Other species can be found listed in the
Wildlife and Animals
So what could you photograph this Month
Great Spotted Woodpecker Gallery
Hazel Catkin
Great Crested Grebe Courtship
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