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MagazinesIntroduction We have within the UK a vast array of magazines, on many topics and at different levels, around 8,000 in total. This means that there are both magazines we would like to see or subscribe to and perhaps others that we might write for or send pictures into. The magazine editors provide a great service to us all in making the amount of information available on a constant basis and we know only too well the amount or work required in making this happen. We are not attempting, at least not yet, to provide details on all magazines, but as we look at a specialist topic area we are going to look at the magazines that are associated with that topic. It makes sense therefore to index this information in a standardised format, to build over time a reference section on magazines, indexed both by name and topic covered. The pages, on individual magazines we have decided to keep quite short, and to split into two halves, the top half giving you as the potential reader, or subscriber information on the magazine and what it covers, while the lower part we are including details for those who might be looking at the opportunities to submit articles or photographs to the magazine. We are constructing these pages from other reference sources or by looking at the magazines, but are also sending a copy of the entry to the editor of the magazine, inviting them to suggest improvements or corrections. We can of course update any entry as changes come to light. Over time, if not initially we will be adding photographs of most. Ultimately the best way to work out what magazines are of interest to you is to get a copy, but we hope that we can help you to see which ones you might find interesting, and perhaps to become aware of a wider range. You can help us by letting us know of changes that you spot, that we have not, telling us of any other magazines we have not listed relevant to the topic. For Magazine Editors There is no charge now, or in the future to be included, this is a service to our readers and a part of this system, where all information contained is indexed. Our magazine entries are not advertisements, but provide factual information, the objective being to allow readers to both discover magazines they might wish to look at or subscribe to, and for some the chance to submit articles and/or photographs. If we have already included your magazine, you will have had a copy of the proposed entry mailed to the identified editor and the identified address. Now we all know that relying on reference information and in some cases entries in the magazines themselves, old addresses and editors who are no longer present may be listed, so its possible that entries either never got to you or amongst the material crossing your desk was overlooked. If errors have been made in the entry, then we would like to put these right, and while over time they would come to light through reader feedback, we would appreciate it if you could point out any mistakes you spot, both in relation to your own and any other publication. Some magazines are general in nature, many others cover at least a range of topics on a regular basis. We don't have a problem with a magazine being listed under a number of classifications. The question we ask ourselves before including generalist magazines under a specific topic is would this magazine likely to have at least one article in every two editions on average, relating directly to this subject area. New topic entries only appear in the index as we cover these topics, in the majority of cases, there will be a few exceptions where we will cover the range of magazines available on a topic separate from a topic issue, but we don't want to go down the route of creating new topics or adding magazines outside this, at least for the moment. You can see how to contact us on the contact us page.